Wednesday 28 September 2011

Al Qaeda Tells Iran's President To Shape Up When it Comes To 9/11

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, president of Iran, addresses the General Assembly at the United Nations. Timothy A. Clary/Getty

Al Qaeda To Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Stop Saying We Didn't Do 9/11, You're Just 'Jealous' -- New York Daily News

Al Qaeda wants Iran's bombastic leader to stop saying the U.S. was behind 9/11.

That's because the terror group wants sole responsibility for the horrific attacks.

In the latest issue of its English-language magazine, Inspire, Al Qaeda lit into Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's repeated statements that 9/11 was the work of the American government.

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My Comment: The truthers should also be included in this Al Qaeda retort.

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