Tuesday 27 September 2011

America's Drone Program Continues To Expand

Spc. Charles Farram launches the "Raven" unmanned aerial vehicle in order to provide route reconnaissance of the town of Mussayib, Iraq last year. Under a new policy, soldiers who operate UAVs are now eligible for award of the Aviation Badge, Distinguished Flying Cross and Air Medal. James J. Lee/Staff

In The Hunt For Al-Qaida, Drone Program Expands -- NPR

The Obama administration is expanding its controversial drone program to the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.

The Washington Post first reported last week that the administration was setting up secret bases for the unmanned aircraft all over the region. U.S. officials say the drone surveillance will allow them to keep watch on terrorists in Yemen and Somalia. The question is whether the program will eventually go a step further and include armed drones to kill terrorists before they strike.


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