Wednesday 28 September 2011

Bhaagon Waali 28th September 2011 Written Update

Runjhun is complaining that her foot hurts a lot. MD explains to her that its normal to get a little pain when you first start wearing heels, and goes on to say that its good to be a little fashionable. Runjhun is irritated at her and asks her to stop with her master advices already, saying none of her formulas worked on Guddu and they have failed miserably. At that point they hear Guddu saying on the contrary, it has reversed everything, and the three startled women look back to find a smiling Guddu standing by the door. Amma cooks up some excuse and rushes out to her room along with MD. Guddu pulls up a stool and sits in front of Runjhun. He holds her foot to check the bite marks and she complains that its burning. He smiles and asks what was the need to do all this drama, to which she replies that its because he was angry with her regarding the M&M matter, so she did all this to please him. He says she should have atleast tried talking to him once, to which she says he was not willing to talk to her or listen to her. He teases her asking if this was the great plan she came up with, of changing sarees four times a day and wearing four inch heels and walking around the house to make him talk. He goes to sit beside her and massages her feet. He puts an arm around her and she immediately shouts out that Amma is watching them and he jolts back to find no one there, and then goes on to put his arm around her again and gets romantic, saying she is his Dharampatni and he is not afraid if Amma or anyone was watching them right now. They get up to leave from there and he teases her again asking her to wear the heels and calls her a nautanki (drama queen) as they walk away.

That's the end of the romance track for now, ladies!


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