Tuesday 27 September 2011

Cheney heads to Vancouver amid NDP call he be barred from Canada

Globe and Mail
Kevin Drews

A member of Parliament from British Columbia is challenging the federal immigration minister to a debate on torture, war crimes and whether former U.S. vice-president Dick Cheney should be barred from entering Canada.

Don Davies, the NDP immigration critic, said Mr. Cheney should not be allowed into Canada to promote his book "In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir" during an exclusive $500-a-ticket dinner in Vancouver Monday night.

Mr. Davies said Mr. Cheney has admitted publicly to authorizing and endorsing the use of water boarding and sleep deprivation while serving as vice-president in the Bush administration. Mr. Davies contends those interrogation techniques break Canadian and international law.

"Sections 35 and 36 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act have a number of provisions that directly state that anybody who has engaged in those practices is inadmissible to Canada," said Mr. Davies. "So I'm just calling on the immigration minister to enforce the law."

Mr. Davies said the federal government has been silent on the issue and he's ready to debate Immigration Minister Jason Kenney "on any point" raised.

Mr. Kenney hasn't commented on the issue, but a spokesperson said that highly tra [...]

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