Monday 26 September 2011

Choti Bahu Season 2 26th September 2011 Written Update

Part 1: Episode begins with the talk of "pitrupaksh bhog". Daima and Padma walk into the main room with dev coming down the stairs and says to choti ma (Padma) that he just finished talking to mahant and that all the Brahmins will be coming together. Padma calls choti bahu to bring "pooja ki thali". Radhika comes in with the thali and Padma asks her to put a tilla on Dev. Radhika looks at Dev and is looking sad, distressed; keeps looking at Dev..hesitating. After a few minutes of eye lock, she raises her finger and applies the tikka. Dev is trying to look into Radhika's eyes and trying to guess what is going on with her. Padma smilingly tells Dev to bless another thali containing 21silver coins, which will be given to the Brahmins as dan after the bhoj, and tells Radhika to help Dev in placing all the coins individually in each of the small gift bags. Padma and daima leave and dev asks Radhika to come and help him. Radhika hesitates, tries to avoid looking at Dev and tells him that she has lot of work to oversee and leaves. Dev keeps looking at her, baffled by her behavior and then sits on the sofa to carry on with the task. Barkha is coming down the steps, looking around to see if anyone sees her. She sees dev sitting on the sofa and doing his work. She comes down with soft steps (like a thief) making sure Dev does not see her and goes towards the kitchen (with ill intent). Suddenly Radhika who was returning from another place, sees Barkha entering the kitchen and wonders why Barkha is entering the kitchen in such a manner. In the kitchen, Barkha is looking to see if anyone sees her; goes and closes the window, looks around wondering what she can do to cause problems. Noticing salt container, she takes that and slowly walks towards the cooking pots with a sly smile on her face, muttering "very soon Radhika, your "mahanta" will be tarnished, this food will be spoiled and then all [...]

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