Sunday 25 September 2011

Ex-officials: Iran nuclear effort hit by sabotage

Arab News
Douglas Birch

Populations are endangered by U.S. and
Israeli acts of sabotage at nuclear facilities
WASHINGTON: Iran's star-crossed nuclear and energy programs have suffered a rash of setbacks, mishaps and catastrophes in the past two years.

Assassins killed three scientists with links to Iran's nuclear programs. The Stuxnet computer worm that famously infected computers worldwide zeroed in on a single target in Iran, devices that can make weapons-usable uranium. Dozens of unexplained explosions hit the country's gas pipelines, and Iran's first nuclear power plant suffered major equipment failures as technicians struggle to bring it online.
Has Iran just been unlucky? Probably not.

The chief of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, Fereidoun Abbasi, heatedly told journalists at a meeting in Vienna last week that the United States was supporting an Israeli assassination campaign against his scientists. His emotional comments came almost a year after motorcyclists attached a bomb to the door of his car in Tehran. He and his wife barely escaped with their lives.

As for the three slayings, Iranian President Ahmadinejad told The Associated Press on Friday that the killers had been caught and confessed t [...]

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