Tuesday 27 September 2011

Has ‘We Are Change Fresno’ been the target of agent provocateurs?


There is reasonable amount of evidence that We Are Change Fresno, a local activist group seeking to spread awareness about 9/11 Truth and other related issues, has been the target of at least two separate agent provocateurs. The latest incident took place this last weekend, while the first happened soon after the group's formation in June 2009, which  occurred on the heels of the successful hosting of Richard Gage in the Veteran's Memorial Hall in Clovis. (Richard Gage is the founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.) Several soon-to-be members of We Are Change Fresno helped get Richard interviewed on the Chris Daniel show on KMJ, as well as the Great Day morning show with Kim and Kopi on KMPH FOX 26. We uploaded the Great Day interview on YouTube, and it rapidly went viral, receiving well over 300,000 hits on our channel alone. Whether it was these successful actions that aroused the government's attention, or our plans to hand out 10,000 DVD copies of 'The Obama Deception' at the largest 4th of July Tea Party event in the country, we do not know. We do know, however, that we were warned repeatedly to not be surprised when the provocateurs start arriving at our meetings.

After We Are Change Fresno's founding, we were in contact with several regional and national le [...]

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