Monday 26 September 2011

Is Yemen On The Brink Of Civil War?

Yemen On The Brink -- Bruce Riedel, Daily Beast

The country's president, Ali Abdallah Saleh, has returned, and already he's brutalizing demonstrators. Bruce Riedel writes that the power grab is about to lead to full-scale civil war.

Ali Abdallah Saleh's return to Sana takes Yemen to the brink of civil war. Chaos on the Arabian Peninsula's southern tip is dangerous for the Saudis and America and good news for al Qaeda. Saleh has licked his wounds in Saudi Arabia since he survived an assassination attempt in June. Now he's back.

His sons and relatives have held on to parts of the capital and elements of the Army, waiting for this moment of return. Rival warlords have seized other parts of both the country and the Army, and peaceful demonstrators have grabbed other slices of the capital and the country.


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