Wednesday 28 September 2011

Mexico's Drug Cartels Target Social Media

Mexican Cartel Snuffs Social Media Star as Violence Nears 'Civil War' Proportions -- Danger Room

A scrawled sign was placed next to a decapitated body near a main road in the Mexican border city of Nuevo Laredo. Its message was simple: Stop talking about drug cartels on the internet — or anywhere else. "Nuevo Laredo en Vivo and social networking sites," the sign read, "I'm The Laredo Girl, and I'm here because of my reports, and yours."

The execution of Marisol Macias Castaneda — known online as "The Laredo Girl" and as "Nena de Laredo" — is the latest in a series of attacks against Mexicans who go online to discuss drug violence. It's an epidemic which a new report describes as "so horrific as to approach a civil war."

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More News On Mexico's Drug Cartels Targeting Social Media

Mexican drug violence spreads to social networks -- RT

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