Tuesday 27 September 2011

Navaratri 2010 SAHAJA YOGA

In this Video Prakruthi(Nature) Narrates the beauty of what it has witnessed "The Creation of GOD" since Ages. it starts with how all the Maryadas are defined by Devine and are followed by even Animals. The Flow Goes with the Most Imp thing GOD has INCORPORATED in Humans and since ages How Humans are trying to find the Truth within. How people used to worship and praise 'AMBA-BAI" to awaken within and to get connected(Udey ki Ambey udey, udey ki ambey udey). Seeing this strong desire of Humans the Formless(ADISHAKTHI) has to come down form and blesses the Humans with ATHMASAKSHATKAR. The narration is in Hindi and hope you all Enjoy the vibrations and plz write ur comments. Love, NSYS-HYD.

Submit your suggestion / comments / complaints on lookyp.com@gmail.com

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