Tuesday 27 September 2011

Obama does a great job reacting to a heckler who calls him the Antichrist.

He waits calmly, while the crowd defty shifts from denouncing the heckler to chanting "4 more years." When he finally deigns to speak, Obama has the presence of mind to say — responding to the heckled "Jesus Christ is God, Barack Obama is the Antichrist!" — "I agree. Jesus Christ is the Lord. I believe in that." And then he evinces concern that the heckler, who was apparently dragged out, has left his jacket behind. This concern about clothing harmonizes nicely with his recent attention to appropriate footwear.

Great job?
He's calm, perhaps because he is the Antichrist.
He's cool, as ever, because he's a cold fish.
He's blank and empty, which is not enough to count as a good job.
Yes, I agree, Althouse. He did a great job here.
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