Sunday 25 September 2011

Secret NATO Report: Do Not Trust Our Afghan Allies

These five soldiers were shot and killed by a 'rogue' Afghan policeman at a checkpoint in the Nad e-Ali district of Helmand province. Top, from left: Warrant Officer Class 1 Darren Chant, Sergeant Matthew Telford and Guardsman James Major, 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards: bottom, from left: Corporal Steven Boote and Corporal Nicholas Webster-Smith, Royal Military Police Photo: PA

Commanders Ignored Warnings That British Troops Were At Risk From Attack By Afghan Allies -- The Telegraph

British troops face such danger from their allies in the Afghan army and police force that they should carry a loaded pistol whenever they are working alongside them, a secret Nato report has warned.

The report, ordered after a rogue Afghan policeman shot dead five British servicemen, recommended that British troops should be armed with 9mm pistols at all times - even when sleeping - because of the high risk of being attacked.

It also called for British soldiers to have separate sleepin [...]

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