Tuesday 27 September 2011

VIDEO Ottawa Action 2011

NO! to tarsands and the Keystone XL pipeline
Clayton Thomas-Muller of the Indigenous Environmental Network, said the Ottawa Tar Sands Action, September 26, 2011, was the largest civil disobedience in the history of the Canadian Climate Justice Movement! On Parliament Hill, 212 crossed police line and risked arrest and 117 were arrested. More than 80 were released in a mass release by police when they got tired of processing folks.

Ottawa Tar Sands: Cree arrested at Parliament
By Brenda Norrell

Cree protesters were among those arrested in Ottawa on Monday, demanding an end to the dirty tarsands and the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, an environmental disaster in the making from Canada to the Gulf Coast.
George Poitras, former Chief of the Mikisew Cree First Nation, and First Nation youths, were among those arrested Mon., Sept. 26, outside of Parliament, demanding an end to the tarsands which is destroying First Nation homelands.
Clayton Thomas-Muller, Cree and among the organizers, said 212 people crossed the police line and risked arrest. Of those, 117 were arrested. More than 80 were released in a mass release by police when they got tired of processing those who crossed the police line.
Speaking at the rally on Parliament Hill, Chief Terry McKay, Tsimshian Nation, began with [...]

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