Sunday 2 October 2011

"Immaculate Singapore" Canaussie's photos around Singapore, Singapore (sugarcane emaculation)

Preview of Canaussie's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator. Entry from: Singapore, Singapore Entry Title: "Immaculate Singapore" Entry: "The very first impulse I got upon arriving in Singapore's Changi Airport was, "Get out the camera!". Who does that? But this airport is different, it's so clean and picturesque, that you can't help but doing the old point and shoot. There are gardens, a spa, a theater, a transit hotel, free internet. It's like a really fun mall, and I don't even like malls! But that's not why we're in Singapore, so onwards. Having arrived at night, we had no sense of orientation upon arriving at our hotel, but despite it being in a fantastically central area which was bright and clean we did figure one thing out right away: our hotel rented rooms out by the hour, if you know what I mean... If you don't, well, go ask mum or dad to explain it to you. Never mind, everyone was friendly and families and tourists alike stayed there, so we didn't think twice about it (maybe only once), and stayed. Our first day we walked and then walked some more. We're gonna have smokin' legs by the end of this trip. To cover the longer trips we got tickets for a hop on/off shuttle and traveled around the city that way. We went to the Lao Pa Sat hawker market which is one of Singapore's original food markets. There we tried sugar cane and lemon juice (YUUUMMMYYY ...

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