Monday 26 September 2011

Tucson youth held by ICE

Keep pushing for Sandra's release
No More Deaths
TUCSON -- A few weeks ago we told you about Sandra Lopez, a 20-year-old Tucsonan who needs our help. Despite being a DREAMer, Sandra has been detained at Eloy Detention Center for the past two months and DHS has refused to release her from ICE detention. Will you help Sandra by making a call demanding that she be released immediately?
Also, even if you have already used our e-action page to send a letter to John Morton, please visit it again to send a letter to both John Morton and Katrina Kane.
Please call now:
Call DHS head Janet Napolitano: 202-282-8495
Call ICE head John Morton: 202-732-3000
Call ICE field office director Katrina Kane: 602-766-7028
Sample Script: "Hi, I am calling to ask that Sandra F. Lopez (A# 200-704-493) be released from Eloy Detention Center, Arizona. Sandra is a DREAM Act–eligible student and she has been detained in Eloy Detention Center for too long. Sandra has lived in Tucson, Arizona, since she was a few days old. Please release her from Eloy Detention Center."

Submit your suggestion / comments / complaints on

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